When it comes to buying Cannabis for the first time, even the most street-smart people find themselves in a sea of unfamiliarity. Knowing what to look for and where to find it can be nerve-wracking, and learning how to identify a quality strain will take the headache out of cannabis shopping. Before heading out to a Pot Shop, take your time to read the guidelines below to get value for your money.
Identifying Good Cannabis
The first step to enjoying a high-grade blunt is to find a high-quality supply of Cannabis. There are various ways to pick out good from bad weed, and here are a few tips to get you started.
Check the Harvest Date
The packaging comes with information that indicates the date the product was harvested. While well-kept Cannabis should maintain its quality for a long period, it eventually degrades with time. If you want high potency to help with a medical condition or recreation, go for the most recently harvested flowers. Overstayed buds tend to dry out considerably and, as a result, combust rapidly, meaning you won’t get the best out of your product.
Smell the Flower
Your sense of smell is an inherent trait that enables you to detect the quality of a wide range of products, Cannabis included. The general rule is if it smells good, it is good, and vice versa. When it comes to Cannabis, you want the smell to be as skunkyloud as possible. Dull-smelling weed signifies either your Cannabis is old or bad quality and should be avoided at all costs.
Look at the Colors
One of the surest ways to establish cannabis quality is by its appearance. Good quality cannabis has a predominantly rich green exuberance with purple, orange, red, blue, or yellow flowers, depending on the strain. Brown flowers are sure indicators of bad quality weed that you should not consider. Besides color, web or dust presence points out poor storage, resulting in low-quality pots.
Check the Texture
You can check out the texture of marijuana by cupping it in your hands. If it feels dry and powdery, it is not worth your time. Good marijuana should have a hint of stickiness with just enough dryness to separate the buds easily. High moisture content or wetness is a sure sign of poorly cured Cannabis, which you want to avoid by all means.
Taste the Cannabis
Don’t shy away from tasting your buds if your provider allows it. Good Cannabis has a strong flavor that hits all the right places in your palate. Bland-tasting buds point out to overstayed pot, which is sure to produce atrocious smoke with the potential to make you cough your lungs out.
Smoke it
As you search for at Shop Near Me, keep in mind that the ultimate way of establishing the quality of Cannabis is to smoke it. Whether you roll your bud or use a chalice, quality cannabis smoke is consistent in pungency. It is not worth the trouble if your pot smells like burning straw. Smoking will also allow you to establish the potency and whether it aligns with your tolerance levels.